17th January

In todays lesson we were introduced to photo shop and how you can manipulate a image to your advantage. We were given a basic over view on how to upload images, create layers, and improve the saturation and light and using the filter and extract tool to change the image completely. We were also given access to a a power point explaining photo shop in more depth. However before we did this we had to create a folder on our desktop to store the photos.

Below is the same image as before however this has been manipulated using photoshop;
As you can see this image is still under construction.

With this image i cropped it so the main focus is the faces of each person, then i straightened the image to ensure it was 100% straight, i changed the levels of saturation, hue and brightness. I also cloned the brick work to fade the image of my phone out of the picture, if i was to carry one editing this image i would use the clone tool and create a full brick wall for the background editing out the white plastic on the right side.